Growth Hacking
“Growth Hacking” or “Lean Marketing”, whichever term you prefer it’s the same thing: the process of using small, continuous experiments to learn the best way to offer value to the customer.
Growth hacking is typically used in the growth and optimise phases of the growth curve, after you have reached product/market fit. In other words: you know that there is market demand for the product you are offering and you want to make sure you reach the fullest potential of that market demand.
Is your company at full potential for digital growth?
We use the pirate metrics for growth, so called because of the abbreviation AARRR:
- Acquisition, what are your main traction channels? Which should you focus on? What is the cost of acquisition per customer for each traction channel?
- Activation, how are customers “onboarded” to your service offering?
- Retention, how can you make customers come back to your site over and over again? How can you make your visitors turn to engaged users?
- Referral, can your customers help spread the word about your offering?
- Revenue, what’s the business model of your service?
The funnel this creates is your growth machine. We can help you optimise it – and find the golden nuggets of information hidden in the behaviour of your users that may contain hints of new product offerings and innovation.
We offer hands-on growth hacking, growth coaching or growth workshops with the Lean Growth Canvas to help you build a lean marketing organisation. Contact us for a first meeting.